Replace monoculture with simultaneous polycultures :
thanks the biodiversity diagnosis, SOS SOiL advises on intercropping and crops rotation, adapted to each type of land and climate, to continuously enrich the soil and enhance its’ life dynamic :
– Enhance profits with diversified crops simultaneously, in parallel or alternated.
– A continuous production with a permanent plant cover; less fertilizer to create soil, no loss; better yields with less investment by implementing natural networks to convey humidity and essential nutrients to enhance the yields at lesser cost, with no danger of salinisation.
– Protect from fungal, yeast, bacterial and mono cellular algae diseases. To use plant chemistry to trap pests and attract beneficial insects. The understanding and use of plant chemistry and mycorhizal symbionts to organise natural defenses against pathogens, organise push-pull and other naturals traps for phytophageous insects and attract parasitoides.
Introduce trees, shrubs and hedges in modern agriculture :
– As a complementary source of income with fruits and wood.
– A source of green fertilizer, purveyor of nitrogen, organic matter and free Rameal Chipped Wood, with natural growth hormones;
– As buffer to climate change, wind and dryness, also by its’ capacity to maintain a level of humidity and the proximity of the water table.
– As shelter for the wildlife which holds an important part in nature and agriculture..