By growing, a weed or self-propagated plant, responds to the exact qualities of the soil, which it is prepared to by its’ genetic heritage. It acts just like a precise thermometer of the present state of the soil in which it grows, a first hand indicator of its qualities.
By the study of these bio-indicators, SOS SOiL team gets an immediate, detailed and steady diagnosis which allows a farmer to know the components of his soil and the main principles which gear it.
The cultivators holds in his hands precise elements to act and enhance his yields: it allows him to manage his soil in a sustainable and profitable way by being aware of:
the actual state of the soil:
• Shortages or excesses of nutrients, the quality and the type of its’ organic matter, the carbon/nitrogent balance
• The quality of the clay/humic complex.
• The best suited fertilizer and minerals lacking or in excess as well as the exact quantities eventually needed;
The soil food web :
• Its’ bacterial and fungal life, the capacity to root for plants.
• The nutrients fixing capacity ratio according to the quality of clay.
• The quantities of active bases (K-Mg-Ca), their capacity to be blocked or not.
Its potential & dynamic :
• The air it holds, the level of compaction.
• Its capacity to absorb water or to be drowned, the battering of the soil, the capacity of water to proceed in the soil, tendencies of hydromorphisms
• The evolution of the salt degree due to irrigation.
• The biochemical and ionic evolution, the eventual chemical toxicity induced by use, agricultural practices or natural and geological conditions.